Cointacted CoinsTokens
CTED TokensCoins
“CTED” is an initially established BEP20 Token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that is progressively transitioning towards becoming a self-sustaining Social Blockchain.
BEP20 Token Address: 0xfeb532160d7897a0824f9458308898e93c77c958
We are diligently working towards the development of our very own unique and pioneering Social Blockchain. It is worth noting that you can already connect to our network:
Network name
Chain ID
Currency symbol
Total supply: 1 Billion CTED (1,000,000,000)
40% LP & Listings – Initial liquidity pool & future CEX listings.
30% PreSale – Seed, Private & Launchpad sales.
15% Social Rewards – Platform-native rewards for users.
15% Ecosystem Growth – Infrastructure Development & Marketing.
Early OpportunityChance
For VIPWinners
Cointacted (CTED) is currently conducting its PreSale, featuring limited token availability across three distinct stages:
Sale Stage | Explanation |
Seed | Early opportunity – best ROI |
Private | Veture Capitals & Fonds |
Launchpad | Public sale – many little investments |
Sale Stage | Tokens | Value | % of total |
Seed | 1,492,537 | $10,000 | 0.15% |
Private | 228,507,463 | $2,285,075 | 22.85% |
Launchpad | 70,000,000 | $700,000 | 7.00% |
Total | 300,000,000 | $2,975,373 | 30.00% |
Sale Stage | Price | X vs Listing |
Seed | $0.0067000 | 15 |
Private | $0.0100000 | 10 |
Launchpad | $0.0100000 | 10 |
Listing | $0.1000000 |
Sale Stage | Releasing % Monthly | Total Vesting Months |
Seed | 5.00% | 20 |
Private | 6.25% | 16 |
Launchpad | 6.25% | 16 |
CCENT TokensCoins
Platform NativeSpecific
CCENTS are Cointacted platform-native tokens, you cannot buy them, you can only get them rewarded for content, activities or achievements. They have a fixed value of 0.01$.
CCENTS can be used:
- When paying for any products or services in Cointacted Marketplace.
- For withdrawing to a DEX wallet.
If you want to use CCENTS for shopping – go to checkout, pay with CCENTS & cover the rest amount yourself.
If you want to withdraw CCENTS, go to your Account Dashboard -> Coins -> Withdraw and fill in the form. When withdrawing, value of CCENTS will be sent to your wallet as CTED tokens.
Earning TokensRewards

For ActivitiesContentAchievements
Upon registration, you can immediately start earning CCENT. Your earnings & activities determine your rank and income potential. Higher ranks unlock greater earning opportunities. You can also mint earned achievements & sell them or purchase NFTs for instant content creation & earning benefits.
Only authentic content is permitted. Any fraudulent or inappropriate content will be removed, leading to a loss of CCENT.
43 CCENT Awards
- 1 CCENT for update any post field with any value 1 time
- 1 CCENT for publish an activity post 1 time (limited to 3 per day)
- 1 CCENT for reply to an activity post 1 time (limited to 2 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a reply on an activity post 1 time (limited to 2 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a favorite on an activity post 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a follower 1 time (limited to 3 per day)
- 1 CCENT for create a new forum 1 time (limited to 1 per week)
- 1 CCENT for create a new topic 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for reply to a topic 1 time (limited to 2 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a reply in a topic 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a reply in a topic 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a new favorite on a topic 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for accept a friendship request 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for get a friendship request accepted 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 10 CCENTS for create a group 1 time (limited to 1 per year)
- 1 CCENT for join a group 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 1 CCENT for publish an activity post in a group 1 time (limited to 1 per week)
- 1 CCENT for get accepted on a private group 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 1 CCENT for invite someone to join a group 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 3 CCENTS for get promoted as moderator/administrator of a group 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 2 CCENTS for promote another member to moderator/administrator of a group 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 1 CCENT for send/Reply to a private message 1 time (limited to 1 per week)
- 2 CCENTS for change cover image 1 time (limited to 1 per month)
- 5 CCENTS for complete 70% of your profile
- 2 CCENTS for get a referral sign up 1 time
- 2 CCENTS for register to the ecosystem through a referral 1 time
- 5 CCENTS for reach 10 referral sign ups
- 25 CCENTS for reach 50 referral sign ups
- 50 CCENTS for reach 100 referral sign ups
- 250 CCENTS for reach 500 referral sign ups
- 500 CCENTS for reach 1000 referral sign ups
- 2500 CCENTS for reach 5000 referral sign ups
- 5000 CCENTS for reach 10000 referral sign ups
- 2 CCENT for get a referral sale 1 time
- 1 CCENT for log in to the ecosystem 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for daily visit 3 newspaper articles (limited to 1 per day)
- 3 CCENTS for make a new purchase 1 time
- 2 CCENTS for review a product 1 time
- 1 CCENT for comment on a newspaper article 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 CCENT for publish a new newspaper article 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 2 CCENTS for publish a new meme 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 2 CCENTS for publish a new event 1 time (limited to 1 per week)
- 1 CCENT for publish a new story 1 time (limited to 2 per day)
19 CCENT Deductions
- -1 CCENT for remove an activity post 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a reply from an activity post 1 time
- -1 CCENT for get a favorite removed on an activity post 1 time
- -1 CCENT for lose a follower 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a forum 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a topic 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a reply 1 time
- -1 CCENT for lose a favorite on a topic 1 time
- -1 CCENT for unfavorite a topic 1 time
- -1 CCENT for remove a friendship 1 time
- -1 CCENT for leave a group 1 time
- -1 CCENT for remove an activity post from a group 1 time
- -2 CCENTS for get a referral sale refunded 1 time
- -3 CCENTS for refund a product 1 time
- -1 CCENT for get a newspaper comment marked as spam 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete newspaper article 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a meme 1 time
- -2 CCENTS for delete an event 1 time
- -1 CCENT for delete a story 1 time

This rank is automatically awarded to everyone who registers to Social Blockchain Infrastructure.
Allows to:
Chat & call with video;
Send friend requests,
Join groups;
Use AI chat.

Allows to:
Post text in activity,
Create groups,
Create events;
Use bio links.
11 Requirements
- Daily visit the website 50 times
- Change profile avatar
- Change cover image
- Join a group 10 times
- Send a friendship request 300 times
- Get a friendship request accepted 100 times
- Get a follower 250 times
- Reach 1000 referral visits
- Reach 100 referral sign ups
- Get a referral sale 1 time
- Reach a balance of 2500 CCENTS

Allows to:
Post photos & docs in activity;
Create AI images;
Create business pages;
Sell courses.
12 Requirements
- Daily visit the website 100 times
- Publish an activity post 250 times
- Publish an activity post in a group 100 times
- Create a group 1 time
- Join a group 20 times
- Invite someone to join a group 100 times
- Reach 500 followers
- Reach 2500 referral visits
- Reach 250 referral sign ups
- Get a referral sale 3 times
- Publish a new event 50 times
- Reach a balance of 5000 CCENTS

Allows to:
Post videos in activity;
Post in newspaper
Withdraw CCENT;
Sell products.
14 Requirements
- Daily visit the website 200 times
- Publish an activity post 500 times
- Send a friendship request 500 times
- Get a friendship request accepted 250 times
- Join a group 30 times
- Publish an activity post in a group 250 times
- Create a group 2 times
- Invite someone to join a group 250 times
- Reach 1000 followers
- Reach 5000 referral visits
- Reach 2500 referral sign ups
- Reach 5 referral sales
- Publish a new event 100 times
- Reach a balance greater or equal to 10000 CCENTS

Silver User

Has posted more than 100 posts on their profile
1 Step
- Write an activity post 100 times

Gold User

Has posted more than 500 posts on their profile
1 Step
- Write an activity post 500 times

Platinum User

Has posted more than 1000 posts on their profile
1 Step
- Write an activity post 1000 times

Mightier Than Sword

Successfully published at least 20 Newspaper articles
1 Step
- Publish a Newspaper article 20 times

Phantom Poster

Deleted more than 20 activity posts
1 Step
- Remove an activity post 20 times

People’s Person

Has accepted at least 30 friend requests
1 Step
- Accept a friendship request 30 times

Universe Explorer

Joined at least 20 different groups
1 Step
- Join a group 20 times

Globe Trotter

Has joined at least 10 different groups
1 Step
- Join a group 10 times

Interests Cultivator

Has successfully created 5 or more groups
1 Step
- Create a group 5 times

Ruler of Masses

Was promoted to moderator or admin of 5 groups
1 Step
- Promoted to group mod/admin 5 times

Quest Conqueror

Complete 100% of all quests at least once
1 Step
- Unlock all Quests

Hear Me Out

Posted more than 25 profile activities in one day
1 Step
- Write an activity stream message 25 times in a day

Posting Machine

Posted more than 25 profile activities in one day
1 Step
- Write an activity stream message 20 times (limited to 1 per day)

Let’s Talk!

Successfully sent or replied to 500 private messages
1 Step
- Send/Reply to a private message 500 times

Making Friends

Successfully sent 200 friend requests
1 Step
- Send a friendship request 100 times

Friendly User

Successfully got 50 connection requests accepted
1 Step
- Get a connection request accepted 50 times

For The Community

Posted more than 100 group activities
1 Step
- Publish an activity post in a group 100 times

VIP Pass

Got successfully accepted in a private group 10 times
1 Step
- Get accepted to a private group 10 times

I Have The Power

Was promoted to group moderator or admin
1 Step
- Promoted to group moderator/administrator 1 time

The Publisher

Successfully published 25 Newspaper posts
1 Step
- Publish a Newspaper post 25 times
Lifetime CommissionPercentage
For ReferralsAffiliates
Your affiliate URL and your stats can be found in your Account Dashboard -> Coins -> Referrals
Cointacted Ecosystem consists of multiple platforms with different names and domains, but everything is synchronized with a single account across the entire organization. If you invite new members to any of the platforms, your commission for their purchases will be counted and synchronized for each platform.
You get 1% comission for all purchases of your affiliates. For lifetime.
Swap ETHTokens
Decentralized TradingExchanging
Swap is running based on EVM so in the long term each EVM Network will be covered. Each transaction has a fee of 0.1%.
Our swap will include all coins of WediaX Organization. It’ll also include other coins of our partners & other popular coins.
Our swap can be embedded anywhere – just use the below HTMLcode:
<iframe src=”https://swap.cointacted.com/” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”yes” seamless=”seamless” style=”display:block; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:100vh;”></iframe>
Explore EVMBlockchains
Ethereum Virtual Machine ScannerSearch
Our Explorer supports all EVM Blockchains including NFTs. In the long term, we will add all EVM Networks.
You can search by Transaction ID, Wallet Address or Block Number.
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All data is tracked & displayed in real time.
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