Cointacted Cointacter

Cointacted Cointacter


Cryptocurrency: Is Bitcoin Suitable for Advisors?

Cryptocurrency: Is Bitcoin Suitable for Advisors?

A Week of Regulatory Developments and the ​Role of‌ Bitcoin in the Portfolio It⁤ has been a busy week in the US⁣ regulatory space, with significant ⁤developments ⁢affecting cryptocurrency exchanges. Meanwhile,‍ bitcoin’s stature as a global financial ​asset⁤ continues to…

What Are Crypto VCs Investing in? Binance Research

What Are Crypto VCs Investing in? Binance Research

The digital market space continues‌ to see deals and investments despite a downward trend ⁣in ⁢2023. ​Binance Research’s latest report⁤ shows that gaming and infrastructure projects‍ have contributed significantly to this sustained growth. While traditional venture capital ‍(VC) share has…